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Tracey Emin

Tracey Emin's self portrait entitled "My Bed" 1998 encapsulates the very essence of Emin's personal life. What may be argued as controversial as a result of the vodka bottle and cigarette packets on display contrast with the innocence of the small soft toy and slippers.

There is so much happening in the piece, the way the bed sheet folds in itself is fascinating and make us question why it looks that way, it appears energetic yet simultaneously so distressed and unsettling. Emin stated that she "had an absolute breakdown, and spent four days in bed; [I] was asleep and semi-unconscious." and so we see that the sheets represent exactly what she was feeling and make us feel even more empathetic with the art,. A "decay of my life" was how she described looking at the bed. The added features to the floor fully complete the composition, a collection of used tissues beginning to mount up illustrate the length of time she spent in her room during the dark period. I was particularly interested in the Polaroids Emin had taken and left on the stool as they are the only items stacked neatly in a whirl of mess which i find curious and I feel the fact the vodka is empty but the Orangina is full says a lot in itself and makes me sad.


From this we can clearly see that Emin was influenced by her own personal life at the time and this piece was a result of it. Very little had to be done as the piece is so raw, all that was necessary was to move it into a gallery space. When she installs the bed into different galleries she says "it’s kind of really sad and very depressing" because the piece is so idiosyncratic and she resonates with it, she goes back to that time in her life that was so dark.

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