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ART 246: December 12th:

I bought a cheap canvas and later found it had LED lights in it so I decided to paint something on it which looked a lot more modern compared to my other figure paintings. I used acrylic and charcoal as a base and worked oil paint on top. I wanted the painting to have something 'different' about it so i made the paint run down the canvas which gives it a quirky finish especially with the lights in between the linear marks made.

December 17th:

Experimenting with oil paint and technique, I made an expressive portrait on glass using a palette knife and i really like the outcome and how it took a few layers before it looked like anything. I took a risk with smearing the paint to create new marks and forms, and a new image over all.

December 20th:

Moving away from the tightly worked figure paintings and more into an expressive area, i created a large scale four paneled A2 monochrome painting. The focus is less on the image and more on the paint which contrasts to my earlier work. I have also become more and more interested in the background and how to make it as interesting as possible. The hidden hand prints give viewers something to look for and think about.

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