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Shaun Project Space Crit - October 25th:

This was the first group critique of the semester and featured the work by Jessica Avery,  Lorraine Lawler,  Alexandra Gould,  Holly Cowan, Jessica Watson & Connor Jackson Sharp. All very different subject matter and art mediums. It was good to see such variety in a room and have their work fill the space. Holly had made some 3D sculptures of brightly coloured mushrooms which were quite tactile and cute and the majority of the group had a desire to feel the physicality of them and were surprised at how light they were! Connor had made some detailed portraits and showcased his development by taking one portrait and fragmenting and distorting it on photoshop which was a really interesting process to see and the group discussed connections to plastic surgery . Alex had made some large scale pieces which worked really well on the wall - it made the bold black lines stand out and it was good seeing the black and white with pops of colour in them. Jess Avery had really interesting acrylic portraits which i really liked alongside an A2 piece of space/ a galaxy, She considered these pieces to just be experimental pieces and was just trying things out but the group really liked the faces as she used a palette knife to paint them not a brush. Jessica Watson had two hardboard pieces  which focused on nature and pattern through line work. The white piece was my favourite of the two because it was unfinished which i felt made it work, to me it also resembled the yin yang symbol and i just liked that about it. The group suggested how she could develop her work through scale, bigger pieces could work really well.


Lorraine exhibited 3 pieces on the wall, two of which were monochromatic pen work on board and a sculpture on the floor (to mirror the centre piece). The group had mixed opinions on whether the floor piece was needed as the wall pieces worked so well on their own. But, Lorraine did say it connects with the linear pattern and texture of the middle wall piece. The pen work was really good to see form far away and close up as it changed, the group said it resembled a polygraph and that it was quite minimalistic in terms of style.  

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